Leadership Development Ghita Filali Leadership Development Ghita Filali

A Discussion on the Importance of Purpose

As we embark on the start of a new calendar year, we are often overwhelmed by society with conversations circulating about resolutions, goals, new regimens and more. While this is all very good for internal reflection, it can also feel a bit arduous to navigate. How do you set new goals if you’re not entirely sure of what you’re wanting to contribute to the world? How do you create resolutions without having an understanding of your purpose?

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Leadership Development Ghita Filali Leadership Development Ghita Filali

Strengths & Challenges of Leading Across Cultures

This year, I am endeavoring to focus on a major theme: How to Successfully Lead Across Cultures. This is a topic that I touch upon in my work with private clients, along with my collaborations with organizations. Throughout the year, I will play out a different idea about leading across cultures, such as talking about the concept of the cultural prism and the differences in leadership styles across cultures, the unwritten rules of global business, and the leadership lessons of assimilating on purpose - amongst other important themes.

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